Ballroom Blitz #113

Promenade in Paso Doble - May 09, 2024


Ian: Hey guys and girls from the inter-webs. My name's Ian,

Lindsey: and my name's Lindsey,

Ian & Lindsey: and welcome to Ballroom Blitz.

Lindsey: Hello there dancers, welcome back to the channel. We are going to be taking you into the world of the bullfighter today. It's the paso doble we're having a look at, and the figure is Promenade. The promenade is one of your base moves in the Paso Doble and you can upgrade it to a whole bunch of other things later on as well. So let's have a look.

[Demonstration without Music]

Lindsey: So let's have a look at the latest steps first.

Ian: Leaders, to kick off this figure, as with a lot of your Paso Doble figures we are starting with an Appel, and as always, with your Paso Doble we're going to be starting on the right foot, with the exception of the Left Foot Variation. So starting on the right foot with our Appel, and we will leave links in the description to some of these relevant figures we've already done.

We are going to, over that Appel, move from a standard closed shape into a more of a promenade shape, and there are various ways that you can do this. I'll let you investigate those yourselves. But, really they should be extending your right side and inspiring your follower to extend their left arm work as appropriate. Appel on One. Always remember to count the Appel, that is step one. Step two, we are going to promenade down the floor and as the figure suggests, we are promenading, we are moving, and we just happened to be in promenade position as well. We are going to promenade down the floor again on step two [THREE], and then we are going to start to block the follow on step three [FOUR] by turning a around and across them. This will change your promenade shape, that's fine, and we're going to now move backwards. Your step is almost in Fallaway. However, you're prom “your promenade”, your partner is not in Fallaway position with you, but this is how it will feel. We're going to step backwards in across almost in Fallaway. This step pretty much is in Fallaway position. We take our seventh step to the side. Again a lot of people will return to that promenade type shaping, that's fine, closing feet on eight. These are all quick steps counting One to Eight. Making sure we count the Appel, we have: One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight.

Lindsey: Followers, we are starting in a closed position, and we will feel the leader lead the Appel. So, they were Appelling on their right foot, we are Appelling on our left, and we will feel that switch to promenade. So we are lengthening our left side and turning to look towards our hands down the way that we are going. So that is step one. Step two we're ready on our right foot to walk in promenade three and four across yourself still in promenade. Step five. We continue along our line as the leader cuts around in front of this. So we step there. They will then switch around to the other side. We continue along our way so steps will continue along in our direction forward as normal, but it will feel quite different because our frame was there it's now going to be shifting over to the other side. We step and step, so two more forward steps there. We are taken to the side, possibly with a bit of shaping and we close on eight. So if I do it back the other way, we have: One on left. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Side seven. Close eight.

[Demonstration with Counts]

[Demonstration with Music]

Lindsey: There you have it, The Promenade in the Paso Doble. So, Leaders, you'll find that you can actually maneuver this around corners if you need to, but it works great on the straight. Have fun with the shaping. Followers enjoy the fact that we have mostly just forward work. Give it your all. Have some fun with it and we'll see you next time.

Ian: Well, that's it for this blitz boys and girls. Don't forget to like,

Lindsey: comment,

Ian: share,

Lindsey: and subscribe.

Ian: See you next time.