Ballroom Blitz #010

The Conversation Step in Slow Rhythm - Feb 27, 2023


Ian: Hey guys and girls of the interwebs, I'm Ian,

Lindsey: and I'm Lindsey,

Ian and Lindsey: and this is the Ballroom Blitz.

Lindsey: On today's Blitz we are having a look at a  move that you can use in your Slow Rhythm, it's called the Conversation Step. It's a nice option when you're in  promenade position so first up let's have a look.

[Demonstration without music]

Lindsey: So, as you can see both leader and the follower are looking forward, so we're in a nice promenade position you can do this move anytime you're in promenade position. [It] doesn't really matter what you've done beforehand, but you want to be ready on that outside foot.

So, the leader walks forwards on the left, [the] follow walks forwards on the right. This allows us to then point our inside foot forward, of course being a point we don't put our weight on it, it's just like a toe tap, and then we use that foot again to head backwards, feet together and then walking forwards actually putting our weight on that inside foot.

So, our walk and tap are both slows we've then got a quick-quick slow to complete the figure so it will be.

[Demonstration with counts]

Lindsey: One of the tricky bits there is that change of weight at the back, it's essentially a chasse, it's like a twinkle. So, leaders are going [it's your right foot] right together right to complete that figure and I, as the follower, I'm going left together left. This means that we're ready to walk again on that outside foot if we wanted to we could do the whole thing again.

Ian: As we've been demonstrating for the Slow Rhythm which is a really relaxed easy social dance you can see our promenade position isn't exactly tight and it's a nice and easy going figure. If you're dancing this in say a Rhythm Foxtrot your promenade position will be tighter but it's essentially the same thing. And if you want to give it a go in your Quickstep it's actually quite a nice hoppy figure as well for you to experiment with. So, this is a quite a nice easy relaxed version to give you a taster, and then you can go off and decide how and when to use it in other dances if you wish.

[Demonstration with music]

Lindsey: So, next time you're on the social floor scooting about the floor with a Slow Rhythm if you've turned to promenade give the conversation step a go. As always, videos are great and we can express a lot in them, but it is nothing compared to actually being on the floor having a private lesson so get into a studio near you and we'll see you out on the dance floor.