Ballroom Blitz #100
100 Episodes & 1 Year of Ballroom Blitz - Jan 22, 2024
Bronze Bar Slow Foxtrot Routine & Bronze Bar Rumba Routine
Ian: Why hello there random dancer from the interwebs, my name's Ian,
Lindsey: and my name's Lindsey,
Ian: and welcome to
Ian & Lindsey: the 100th Ballroom Blitz.
Ian: Welcome along Ballroom Blitzers to the 100th Ballroom Blitz. Just under 12 months ago we launched the very first Ballroom Blitz, all the way back on January 23rd 2023. It was a little bit exciting we didn't know where the series was going to go. But, 12 months later we've had 100 episodes at nearly a rate of 2 a week, with a short Christmas break. We've done a whole range of dances. We've hit all the standards, we've done some sequences, we've tripled our subscribers along the way, and we've had a lot of fun. Thank you all for joining us this far, we hope that you continue to enjoy the videos, comment, ask very intelligent questions, and request different videos like some of you have been doing, so keep doing all of that. But for now what do we have in store for the 100th episode?
Lindsey: Well we thought we'd do something a little bit special because it is the 100th episode. So today we have a little bit more than we would usually give you. We have been looking at individual figures now we're going to put some of those together. So what we're going to show you today is a little bit of Rumba and we'll be showing you our Bronze Bar routine that we have come up for our medalists. This is going to include the different figures that we have already had a look at on the channel. We're also going to be doing the same thing for the Slow Foxtrot. So you'll get quite a few figures all in a row, figures we have had a look at but you'll get to see them in action one after the other.
Ian: That's exactly right we're going to leave all the links in the description so you can go back and check out all the individual Blitzes. Some of them will be in Cha Cha, but at this level we can easily cross them from Rumba to Cha Cha, so you are getting a little bit of a 2 for 1 with the routine. So, we hope that you can smash out this routine wherever you go social dancing, or take parts of it, or maybe just get some ideas to help spice up your dancing, however you use it. Enjoy the blitz, for now let's start with Rumba.
Ian: Let's start with Rumba. As we've said this is the Bronze Bar routine, at the time of recording. They don't stay the same so it is a routine that you can put together from all the Blitzes that we've already done. Links in the description you're going to get a walk through explaining which ones will come up and then you're going to get a dance through to music to see how it all fits together. The routine is designed to be sequenced with music so the music will help you dance it if that is something that you need at this stage, and it also loops back on itself so you can just simply rinse and repeat if that's what you choose to do on the social floor. We hope you enjoy, it try it out, and I'll see you for the wrap up after the walkthroughs.
Lindsey: Starting with a closed hold
we have a prep-step
and half a Closed Basic (Blitz #049)
Underarm Turn (Blitz #003)
New York (Blitz #015)
and Spot Turn (Blitz #003)
back to a Closed Hold
a Basic to set up a Natural Top (Blitz #072)
Opening Out to Right and Left (Blitz #092)
Closed Hip Twist (Blitz #094)
Alemana (Blitz #059)
and 2 Hand-To-Hands (Blitz #087)
Ian: There you go. How did you go? Did you pick all of those figures? Ban you remember watching the Blitzes, or will you have to go back and do a little bit of a brush up? No worries, as we've said links in the description, put them together give them a go, fill the gaps, use what you like or use the entire routine, it's entirely up to to you. [The] main thing is, get out there on the social floor try it out. Try it in Cha Cha if you like, but do beware the Opening Out to Right and Left does not transfer over to Cha Cha, so you might have to modify the routine there; but, that's for you to decide. We hope you enjoyed itn and now let's go to the Foxtrot.
Lindsey: Alright we are now going to switch from the Latin world to the modern world, we still want it smooth and beautiful though, we are going to have a look at the Slow Foxtrot. So again this is our Bronze Bar routine, so it's not the most simplest way of doing a Foxtrot, it is a little bit of a bump up. But, they are figures that we have had a look at in the channel before, so again you should find the links to those individual figures down below. But first, let us have a look at what we're doing, we're going to be doing a Walkthrough of this Slow Fox routine, and then a Dancethrough.
Lindsey: Prep Steps
Feather Step (Blitz #005)
Reverse Turn [incorporating further finish] (Blitz #030)
Three Step (Blitz #044)
[Steps] 1-3 of a Natural Turn (Blitz #069)
Closed Impetus Turn [incorporating further finish] (Blitz #058)
Three Step (Blitz #044)
Natural Weave (Blitz #086)
Three Step (Blitz #044)
Feather Step (Blitz #005)
Change of Direction (Blitz #099)
Natural Turn (Blitz #069)
Lindsey: And there you go, an example of a Slow Foxtrot routine. Just like in the Rumba this is designed to sort of loop back on itself. So you can go right back to the start again, and go again, and again it is sequenced to about 16 bars of music. So, it should fit in quite nicely with most of your Slow Foxtrot tracks. So, try it out, you will find because it travels around the floor that you might have to adjust it a little bit depending on where the corners of your room are, so see how you go with that. Luckily the Foxtrot is quite versatile with how you can overturn or underturn to get yourself round those corners. So, let us know how you go, you can snitch little bits or you can try the whole thing, either way give it a go keep things smooth and beautiful, and we'll see you next time.
Ian: And there you have it boys and girls, dances of all sorts, the 100th episode of Ballroom Blitz. How did you go with the Rumba and the Foxtrot? Did you pick all the moves? Are there some Blitzes that you're going to have to go and and refresh? They're all in the description so don't hesitate. Keep commenting, keep liking, sharing those videos. We really do enjoy it when you pick the content that you want. Stay tuned so that we can tell you all about what we have planned for 2024 and beyond, and let us know if there's anything that you would like us to be doing in the coming year. For now, though thank you very much once again, don't forget to like, comment, share, and subscribe, and we will see you in the 101st Ballroom Blitz coming out soon.
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