Tango Terrific

Learn the Tango Terrific at Long-Steps

Long-Steps currently teaches the Tango Terrific periodically during our Adult Classes and by Private Tuition.

Long-Steps teaches the Tango Terrific according to a combination of Russ Hesketh’s New Vogue Championship Dances (6th Ed.) and Neville Boyd’s New Vogue Sequence Dancing and the Viennese Waltz.

Technical Details

Routine Length: 16 Bars
Time Signature: 4/4
Musical Selection: Tango
Tempo Range: 28 to 32 bars per minute.

Additional Information

The Tango Terrific may also be danced to more traditional Tango music in 2/4 time. In this case the routine would be 32 bars long, and have a scripted tempo range of 56 to 64 bars per minute.


More on New Vogue
New Vogue Foxtrots | New Vogue Marches | New Vogue Tangos | New Vogue Waltzes

The New Vogue Tangos
Black Knight Tango | La Bomba | Royal Empress Tango | Tangoette | Tango Caprice | Tango Carnaval | Tango Terrific | Tango Twogether