
Merengue is a Dominican dance, performed to music of the same name. It is usually danced with a partner, and involves shifting your weight from one foot to the other, allowing your hips to sway from side to side. The hold can either be in a closed dance hold or an open one, which allows for different turns and arm positions. Although the music is fairly fast, the upper body is kept steady, and most of the turning figures are done quite slowly over a number of steps. It is known to be one of the easiest Urban Latino dances to do.

Learn Merengue at Long-Steps

We’ll take you through all the steps from scratch. Even if you have never danced before, we will show you how. You do not need a partner to learn the dance, your instructor will dance through it with you.

Long-Steps currently teaches Merengue periodically during our Adult Classes and by Private Tuition.

Long-Steps teaches Merengue according to popular and recognised resources.

History of Merengue

Merengue, as a music genre and a dance, developed over the 20th century in the Dominican Republic. It is also an important cultural dance in Puerto Rico. The lead instrument was originally the guitar, but became the accordion in the 1940s and 1950s.

Merengue music is often spirited and bright, and has a strong 8-beat pattern to it which makes it easy and pleasurable to dance to. The foot action into the floor helps to create the swing of the hips, and a closer hold with your partner can make it a very sensual dance.


Technical Details

Time Signature: 4/4
Musical Selection: Merengue
Tempo Range: 32 to 36 bars per minute


More on Urban Latino
Bachata | Bolero | Mambo | Merengue | Salsa