Alternate Walks in Jive

Ballroom Blitz #131

Alternate Walks in Jive - Nov 07, 2024


Ian: Hey, boys and girls from the interwebs. My name is Ian

Lindsey: and my name is Lindsay.

Ian: Welcome back to

Ian & Lindsey: Ballroom Blitz.

Ian: Hello, Blitzers and welcome back to a Ballroom Blitz. We're in the Jive world today, and we're going to be upskilling a very basic move. We've already blitzed the Jive Walks, link in the description, of course, but we will be adding some alternate methods and you can add or exchange these as you like just to make your Jive Walks a little bit different. So let's have a look.

[Demonstration without music]

Ian: So, a super easy edit or exchange in yourJjive. We're going to use those 4 Quicks, those were “Ins and Outs”, however you want to think of them. We're going to be exchanging our chasses for those, or you can, and a lot of people do, add them on after the set of chasses that are in the most basic version of the walks. So we didn't show you any Back-Replaces there. We didn't show you any exits. It's a pure upgrade. So when you're using these, it would usually be a Back-Replace Chasse Chasse, and then a few of these as well, and you would follow on with 3 to 8 of something, either a Change of Place (R-L) or a Fallaway Throwaway. Again, links in the description to put all of those together. It's super easy though. It's sort of the mirror image for Lead and Follow. So, let's break it down. Get you swiveling, get your alternate walking, and then we can just leave it up to you to smash it out on the dance floor.

So we're going to take this from the Fallaway position. This could be straight after your, Back-Replace and ending up in that Fallaway position as if you were going to walk without having done the Chasses. This could be after the Chasses. But in either case, your, inside foot, you can have your weight on that slightly forward, still in your Promenading or Fallaway type of position and then all we're going to do here, instead of continuing to Chasse moving forward in that, not boppy, but that very Chasse form. I'm going to hold my position and I'm going to swivel on the ball of my rear foot. Point the toe into the ground and give a sneaky look to my partner as well, sometimes. Quick.

We're now going to exchange weight and get back to the position we just came from. Quick. That's a 2. That's our second Alternate Walk; and we just repeat Quick-Quick. So 4 Quicks that takes up the same amount of time as 2 Jive Chasses. So we often get 2 Chasses or 4 Alternates. You really don't have to abide by that timing rule though; you could do six, you could do eight, you could do one chassis and then mix it up. It's not very common, but there's no rules against it. So if we put that into, probably the most common variation you'll see we walk through with our Back-Replace, our Chasse, our second Chasses, gets us to that position. That ends the basic version of the walks and we can add four alternates on One. Two. Three. Four. and they just go nicely after one another. If you want to do just the Alternates just because you can, you can of course do Six Quicks in a row, which would be your Back-Replace. Alternate. Alternate. Alternate. Alternate, and then follow along in exactly the same way. You could even Chasse out and do the Chasses of the walks after that, it's entirely up to you. Exit the same way as you would out of your normal walks, because it gets you to that same position. There you go.

[Demonstration with counts]

[Demonstration with music]

Ian: So there you go, guys and gals, a really easy, simple upgrade with some alternate walking actions. You can do a lot with it. Leads remember not to set a wrench your follow around sort of hold firm without too much of a push and pull keep it nice and light. You can use Merengue style actions if you want to once you get a little bit practiced, or if you want to choreograph something with your partner, you can go tapping forwards and moving backwards as well. So there's a lot of things that you can do that, with these alternate versions that you probably couldn't do with the Chasse versions. But the basic upgrade, adding those extra four is a nice, easy addition.

Ian: It cuts straight into what you've been using your walks with. You can follow it out with all the same things, so you can just plonk it in and have a little bit more fun and travel a little bit on the floor if you need to find that little bit of extra space. So it's over to you now. You got to try it out on the floor. Have fun with your dancing. We hope you've enjoyed it. We will see you next time. Until then, keep dancing.

Ian: Well, that's it for this Blitz boys and girls, don't forget to like,

Lindsey: comment,

Ian: share,

Lindsey: and subscribe.

Ian: See you next time.