Natural Pivot Turn in Quickstep
Ballroom Blitz #055
Natural Pivot Turn in Quickstep - Aug 03, 2023
Ian: Hey random dancer from the inter-webs, my name's Ian,
Lindsey: and I'm Lindsey,
Ian & Lindsey: and this is a Ballroom Blitz.
Ian: Hello again blitzers, welcome back to the channel. We're doing some Quickstep today, we are going to be looking at the Natural Pivot Turn.
[Demonstration without music]
Ian: I really like the Natural Pivot Turn because it keeps the same rhythmic construction of Slow-Quick-Quick-Slow as we get in our Quarter Turn to Right, Progressive Chasse, Forward Lock, often the basic steps that we begin with, and then it gives you a very definite corner figure with that same rhythm of Slow-Quick-Quick-Slow. And it gets you to the same position, the same ending point, as your Natural Turn but with a few slows less.
I also like the natural pivot turn because when you get a good mastery of the pivot it makes your Natural Spin turn, the focus of our impatience pet peeve and a blitz in the future that will be coming, it makes the Natural Spin Turn far easier when we get that pivoting action on step four.
Now really and truly the first three steps of this figure we have already blitzed we have blitzed them in the Natural Turn they are for all intents and purposes exactly the same. We will go over them again here but a bit more quickly. If you need to review them with a little bit more detail go back to Blitz #023, again link in the description, but it is the pivoting step that really makes the Pivot Turn or Natural Pivot Turn, as I should say, the actual Natural Pivot Turn, so it makes sense to give most of today towards that actual pivot step; step number four.
So as we have said for a more detailed revision of these first three steps link in the description Natural Turn Blitz #023. But as a brief overview we are in a closed position. Leader[s] you are ready to come forward on a slow heel on your right foot, you're dancing in line with your partner, although you can step outside as well, you are going to drive, then between steps two and three take about a 3/8s of a turn, close your feet on three, and lower preparing for the followers drive step on their right foot forward and at this point you should be backing line of dance.
[Demonstration of Steps 1-3}
Ian: So leads we've arrived at this critical position with the follower about to drive forward on their right foot. We've done all the usual good things, we've waited for them, we've settled, we've bent our knees, we're not being impatient - pet peeve go back look at that one if you are. But we are settling and ready to absorb their power, and at this point all things being equal the follow should have no idea what's coming. It could be one of upward of about eight to a dozen different figures that sort of branch off at this point, so they are trying to provide the best drive forward that they can. What we need to do to prepare our pivot is as we step back to absorb that power, we need to start to turn our toe inward. This creates tension across our hips and in our body, and so as we absorb that power, that power is coming very straight, we have tensioned our body turning our toe inwards as we go to perform a pivot. And at this point I'm holding my legs in the same position. I'm basically, if I'm pivoting this well, and you'll do this pretty much without having to think about it too much, you're going to dance a heel-toe-heel; beg your pardon, you're going to dance a toe-heel-toe, because you're going backwards. The follower will do that coming forwards. So you're going to dance a toe first, settle on a heel, back on a toe to pivot holding the other leg in place. Toe-Heel-Toe, and I have, as you can see, held my legs in place. I haven't put any weight on my right foot. I haven't accidentally fallen forward and taken the next step. I've held into position. I'm still low because of my pivoting action, ready to take a heel step forward into the next figure.
Lindsey: So followers, after those first three steps which were, backwards on the left, side on the right, and close our feet, as Ian said we don't actually know at this point what the leaders are planning. But, we can be pretty sure that they want us to go on our right foot, because we've felt that change of weight at this point, and we're the ones with eyes on line of dance here. So, they lower, they invite the drive, and all I want to do is take that drive forward, and then react to what the leader is doing next. And what they are doing is turning on that foot so we will feel that we're still in a closed position so we go forwards on the right, we'll feel them turn on the spot and we want to keep that left foot backwards as we turn around.
Ian: Now leaders, there is one very important thing that we need to clarify with this backward step toe turned in. You are still taking a straight step back, turning your toe in to tension across your hips and in your frame. You are not stepping off the line and stepping yourself away from your follow. So, just to clarify, I am stepping back turning my toe in for tension, but if I was to close my legs here you can see that they are still closed. I have not stepped back and yanked, and then have to bring my top half through that, all that achieves is pulling basically the the follower off of their, off of their line, off of their step, and it's the basis of the impatience pet peeve. So, if you want to have a look at the effects of that go back and watch that one and to avoid that keep your step nice and straight tension your hips with the toe turned in and that'll get you a good pivoting outcome.
Now, unlike the Natural Turn, which is pretty much in the Quickstep a purely corner figure, the Natural Pivot Turn should be able to go down the side of the room. And once you have a good mastery of what you can follow it with, then you can basically point your pivot wherever you like to get the desired effect. So, don't hamstring yourself and think of this only as a corner figure, it's not. You should be able to point your toe in your pivot down line of dance or even a little bit further to get the desired effect.
[Demonstration with counts]
[Demonstration with music]
Ian: And that is it, the Natural Pivot Turn in the Quickstep. Upgrading it from your Natural Turn, cutting out a few of the slows at the end but getting you to exactly the same ending position. So, whatever you're following your Natural Turn with, you can follow your Natural Pivot Turn with. Later on in future blitzes we will be exploring the Natural Spin Turn, and we will upgrade our pivot into that spin and show you how to get the most out of your spin turn as well. That is for a future Blitz for now try the Pivot Turn, it's a fantastic one for corners, try it down the side of a room so you don't get into that hamstrung "only in a corner" situation, have fun with your Quickstep and we will see you next time.
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