Impetus Turns Pet Peeve
Ballroom Blitz #056
Impetus Turns Pet Peeve - Aug 07, 2023
Ian: Why, hello there random dancer on the internet. My name's Ian,
Lindsey: and my name's Lindsey,
Ian & Lindsey: and this is a Ballroom Blitz!
Lindsey: Alright chaps, this has been brewing for a while. We are doing a Pet Peeve. Ian got the last one, mine is this one, we are going to talk about Impetus Turns. Okay,leaders,this one is directed mainly at you, we will have our gripes with the followers another time. The impetus turn is about physics and the physics of this particular move is that you've got two objects traveling together this one going backwards, that's the leader, this one going forwards that's the follower. Always go backwards into an Impetus Turn leaders. So if you're going backwards and you're both moving, you're both moving, and then suddenly you stop moving and are just on the spot, the momentum of the follower, still moving, is the thing that spins you around. And that is the "turn" part of the Impetus Turn.
Now that doesn't work, if you keep on moving with your partner, The footwork, and I'm going to back it up a little bit here, is that leaders you're going backwards on your left foot and your next move, the followers will continue on with the second step that travels but, your move is to put your feet together and perform a heel turn. We will go into this in more detail in another Blitz. But, if you don't do that if you don't put your feet together and stop as your partner is still moving then you f@$ked up the physics of it. It does not work if you take a secondary step that actually travels. Your partner cannot get around you. You have absolutely no chance of choosing between an Open Impetus or a Closed. You've got no control. You've got no rotation. You've got no balance. You've come away from your partner and you've f@$ked it.
Now I have heard leaders say "oh but it's really hard to sort of just stop on this spot there and put your feet together when you're moving", no, garbage. There are two reasons why you would do an Impetus Turn. One is that it's part of the sequence in which case you know it's coming up, and the other one is that you've decided to lead it in which case you know it's coming up. And what you're saying to me if you say "oh it's really hard" is that you are incapable of doing, this. You're not. If you're on the dance floor and upright at all you are capable of putting your feet together.
Now I have been a little bit glib there of course, I've been a little bit mean, I've sort of said to the leaders you are capable of this and I believe that. It doesn't mean that it is easy peasy you do need to engage your core, your muscles, your balance, make sure your heads up, make sure your frame is engaged so that you're guiding your partner around, even though they are still moving you want to stay nice and close with them in that frame, so there is work to do! But, you are leaders you are strong and you can do it.
That's really it from me on this particular peeve. The reason that I get a little bit het up about this one is that I actually love this move. It is absolutely superb when you can pull it off. So, keep on working at it. We will do a Ballroom Blitz on the Impetus Turn so if you're sitting there going Lindsey what on earth are you talking about, I don't even know what move this is. It is coming up very soon. But, for those of you who know it already, do your job, do your work, leaders get those feet together.
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